Ways to get your health back on track post Covid – 19

After everything that’s happened with the pandemic, this new year is a year where all of us would agree that health and wellness is the most important wealth one can possess. AMUSE aims to be a torch bearer for the same and promote our vision of leading a lifestyle high on health and immunity. This pandemic has become a good reminder that every individual should maintain a healthy and positive lifestyle.

Following the pandemic, people’s preferences shifted dramatically in favor of healthy, organic foods. Many businesses opened in late 2020 and early 2021 with a focus on healthy, farm-to-table food. However, with the global success of COVID-19, this tendency is likely to become a way of life for many in the future years.

Ways to get your health back on track post Covid – 19

Ways to get back your health health on track:
  1. Daily Physical activity:
    Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious health problems. New habits, like adding 20-30 min physical activity, may also help you manage your weight and have more energy. After a while, if you stick with these changes, they may become part of your daily routine.
  2. Low GI diet:
    A good way to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to make sure we are eating right. This is where a low GI diet comes into the picture. Low GI diet helps us to maintain our blood sugar levels and also prevent a lot of deadly diseases. Any food that has Glycemic score below 55 falls under a low glycemic diet. Eating a lot of greens, fruits and low GI rice will help us balance our daily diet.
  3. Reduce stress:
    Having physical activities and maintaining a healthy diet on a daily basis will help us to balance our daily stressful life. Be active, connect with people, have some ‘me time’, set your sleep schedule, treat your taste buds.
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