Low GI and Weight Management

Weight loss is never easy, but it’s possible to trim down and shape up without going hungry. For long-term success, a slow and steady 

approach is recommended. Increased consumption of carbohydrate foods and drinks with a high GI is widely believed to be contributing to the global obesity pandemic. You can burn fat and shrink your waistline simply by making smart low GI carbohydrate choices. A low GI and higher protein diet can reduce insulin levels to help the body burn fat, increase feelings of fullness to delay hunger, and maintain metabolic rate.

There is strong scientific evidence to prove that a diet combining both low GI and higher protein can result in effective weight loss and prevent the weight from creeping back on. The best way to achieve weight loss and maintain a healthy weight is through dietary changes and being physically active. 

Short-term weight loss diets generally lead to losing water and muscle tissue, not fat, so it’s best to avoid ‘crash diets’ that promise quick results. Skipping meals and cutting back drastically on food intake can also be counterproductive, causing the body to start storing up fat to help it survive. The location where people store fat on their body is also a sign of potential health risk. The fat around your tummy – known as visceral fat – sits around the abdominal organs and poses a greater health risk. Excess body weight, particularly around the waist, contributes to insulin resistance which makes blood glucose levels difficult to control. This type of fat has been linked to a number of chronic diseases, including an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Others store fat on the hips, thighs and buttocks. This excess fat, known as subcutaneous fat, sits just under the skin and is harder to shed.

For those needing to lose weight and keep it off, incorporating low GI and higher protein foods into your daily diet can help achieve this. Low GI foods help facilitate weight loss in a smart and sustainable way by:

  1. Reducing insulin levels, which plays a role in fat metabolism

  2. Facilitating greater fat loss – low GI foods help burn more body fat and less muscle

  3. Promoting satiety and delaying hunger due to a slower rate of digestion

  4. Reducing food cravings

  5. Helping maintain long-term weight loss

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